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Best Buy Safecoat Polyureseal Bp Satin Waterbased Low VOC Wood & Floor Finish - Gallon Online

Safecoat Polyureseal Bp Satin Waterbased Low VOC Wood & Floor Finish - Gallon

Safecoat Polyureseal Bp Satin Waterbased Low VOC Wood & Floor Finish - Gallon

  • One of the highest quality water-based clear satin finish
  • Exceptional durability and abrasion resistance
  • High solids
  • Very low odor
  • Very low VOC

Safecoat Polyureseal Bp Satin Waterbased Low VOC Wood & Floor Finish - Gallon
Polyureseal BP The highest quality water-based clear gloss finish available today. Its exceptional durability and abrasion resistance, coupled with high solids, very low odor, and very low VOC, make it the clear alternative to conventional solvent and water-based polyurethanes. Also available in satin. SCS CERTIFIED - LEED QUALIFIED

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